
Photo author Ventspils hronikas arhīvs

Publish date 21.04.2023

On Saturday, 29 April, at 13.00, the Music Library will host a thematic lesson for preschool children “Music Lesson for the Family”. Together with Inga, the Music Fairy, and Alans Spirands, a 3rd year student of Ventspils Music High School, we will explore the piano and organ of the Concert Hall “Latvija”.

Together we will go to the large hall of the Concert Hall “Latvija” to explore two special musical instruments – the vertical piano and the organ. Pianist Dāvids Kļaviņš has built the world’s largest piano, standing at 4.70 metres. To reach the keys, the pianist has to climb a specially built staircase. The piano also has a built-in self-playing system, so the pianist can play them remotely.

Together we will go to the large hall of the Concert Hall “Latvija” to explore two special musical instruments – the vertical piano and the organ. Pianist Dāvids Kļaviņš has built the world’s largest piano, standing at 4.70 metres. To reach the keys, the pianist has to climb a specially built staircase. The piano also has a built-in self-playing system, so the pianist can play them remotely.

There will also be a workshop – we’ll make our own piano and play their cousins, the synthesiser and digital piano.

Music Lesson for the Family is held on the last Saturday of every month. Preschool children aged 3-6 years are welcome. The aim of this educational lesson is to learn how to listen to music, instruments, composers and different styles of music. The lesson is free of charge.

The event is supported by the Concert Hall “Latvija”, Ventspils Music High School, OC “Ventspils”.

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