
Photo author Kristaps Anškens

Publish date 13.03.2023

On Sunday, 9 April at 13:00, the concert entitled Upon Sunrise as part of the music sessions The Sunday of Organ Music will be taking place in the Concert Hall Latvija, featuring performances by the soloist at the Latvian National Opera, Marlēna Keine (soprano), and the member of the organ duo Riga Organum Duo, Ilona Birģele.

This year, the Concert Hall Latvija launches new music sessions entitled The Sunday of Organ Music to demonstrate the diverse sound of the organ. This year, the Concert Hall Latvija launches new music sessions entitled The Sunday of Organ Music to demonstrate the diverse sound of the organ. The concert Upon Sunrise, which will be taking place on the first day of Easter, will focus on the music of Latvian composers with its uplifting message of hope. It will also feature music pieces by well-known foreign composers. We will hear the music of the composers A. Kalējs, M. Zariņš, R. Dubra, L. Sneibe, Ē. Ešenvalds, and I. Zemzars, as well as C. Franck, and W. A. Mozart.

‘Though being a light in this dark world is not always easy. That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness has not overcome it, as John the Evangelist once wrote. The Easter morning light has shone upon those who have loved the eternal Light even when it was judged, shamed, crowned with thorns, and buried. . We live in a strange and uncertain time. By choosing the title Upon Sunrise for our concert, we wanted to express hope based on faith that this is not a sunset, but a dawn. The language of music often conveys more than one could or be allowed to say in words,’ explain the opera singer Marlēna Keine and the organist Ilona Birģele.

Marlēna Keine has presented herself as a versatile singer in both opera and operetta genres. She has participated in productions of the Estonian National Opera, Latvian National Opera, and Latvian Operetta Foundation, and is a laureate of several international contests. Her repertoire includes Barbarina in the W. A. Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro, Papageno in W. A. Mozart’s The Magic Flute, Frasquita in the G. Bizet’s Carmen, Maija in the Liepiņš’ Turaidas Roze, Adele in J. Strauss’ The Bat, and others.

The organist Ilona Birģele performs both in Latvia and abroad on a regular basis, including in Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Israel, Kazakhstan, and elsewhere. She has collaborated with many Latvian soloists and premiered works by several Latvian composers. Birģele has also participated in various international organ music competitions and festivals, and since 2013 has been a member of the organ duo Riga Organum Duo.

The concert is organised by SIA Kurzemes filharmonija. The event is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Ventspils State City Municipality.

Tickets are available for purchase at the ticket sales network Biļešu paradīze and also at the box offices of the Theatre House Jūras vārti and the Concert Hall Latvija.

Concert Hall “Latvija” online:




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