
International Bach Chamber Music Festival Opening Concert

On November 24 at 5:00 PM, the concert hall “Latvia” will host a performance by the world-renowned early music ensemble “Vox Luminis,” conducted by Lionel Meunier. Due to its tonal harmony, exquisite sound, and unique performance style, “Vox Luminis” is currently one of the most sought-after early music ensembles globally. The group has received nearly all significant music awards, including the Gramophone Classical Music Awards, BBC Music Magazine Award, and Caecilia Prize.
The International Bach Chamber Music Festival is celebrating its 24th edition, and for the first time, the opening concert will take place in Ventspils! The festival features the finest baroque music performers from around the world and is recognized for its high professional standard.

2024. gadā starptautiski atzītais ansamblis “Vox Luminis” atzīmē 20 gadu jubileju dodoties turnejā pa visu pasauli. Ansamblis ar dažādām programmām uzstājas prestižākajos festivālos un koncertzālēs. “Vox Luminis” 19 mūziķu sastāvā un diriģenta Lionela Menjē vadībā atskaņos īpaši veidotu baroka mūzikas programmu “Ein Deutsches Barockrequiem” (Vācu baroka rekviēms). Lionels Menjē vienmēr izjutis dziļu pietāti pret vācu romantiskās kora mūzikas dižgara Johanesa Brāmsa Vācu rekviēmu. Balstoties Brāmsa Vācu rekviēma tekstos, “Vox Luminis” vadītājs Lionels Menjē izveidojis vienreizēju koncerta programmu, kas sakņojas pārpasaulīgā baroka mūzikā un motetēs.

In 2024, the internationally acclaimed ensemble “Vox Luminis” will mark its 20th anniversary with a worldwide tour. The ensemble performs at prestigious festivals and concert halls with various programs. Under the direction of conductor Lionel Meunier, “Vox Luminis,” comprising 19 musicians, will present a specially crafted baroque music program titled “Ein Deutsches Barockrequiem” (A German Baroque Requiem). Lionel Meunier has always held a deep reverence for Johannes Brahms’ German Requiem and has created a unique concert program rooted in transcendent baroque music and motets, based on the texts of Brahms’ German Requiem.



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