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On 8 February at 16.00, a special event combining culinary wonders, humour and warm togetherness will take place at the Piltene Culture House. This event is dedicated to the book “Vienaldzīgo nav! Vircoti lasāmgabali miesai un dvēselei” (“No Indifference! Twisted Reading Pieces for Body and Soul”), created by two witty and cheerful authors from Cēsis – Nata Bramberga and Liene Margeviča.

The book, which was published by the “Zvaigzne ABC” publishing house at the end of 2024, is a unique collection of stories and recipes that combines cheerful, humor-filled moments with delicious dishes.

At the event, the residents and guests of Piltene will not only be able to enjoy the unique atmosphere of the book but also actively participate in various activities. The evening will include a valuable prize raffle and a food competition, “Laura Lapa vs. Piltene,” where the people of Kurzeme will have the opportunity to showcase their gastronomic bravery.

Everyone is also invited to participate in the culinary exhibition “Piltenieku Vēderprieki”, where they will have the opportunity to showcase their culinary masterpieces and share family recipes.

The event will feature the Zlēku amateur theatre “Margots,” which will host a quiz called “Zini vai mini!” (Know or Guess!).

At the end of the evening, there will be an opportunity to challenge your taste buds by enjoying a world-famous delicacy prepared specifically for this event.

During the event, there will also be an opportunity to purchase the book “There Are No Indifferent People!” To participate in the culinary exhibition or to reserve a book, please register in advance at the Piltene Library or by calling 25423839.

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