
Photo author Ventspils Kultūras centrs

Publish date 27.04.2023

The Independence Day of the Republic of Latvia will be celebrated on 4 May at 12.00. Everyone is invited to join the celebration with the Ventspils Culture Centre mixed choir “Līvzeme”, dance collectives “Kurzeme”, “Senkurzeme”, middle generation dance collective “Strautuguns” and guests – brothers Atis and Jānis Auzāns, who will play music with their backing band.

Let us unite our feelings about our values with a concert, with white tablecloths, with songs and dances, with patriotism in our hearts. When a nation unites for a purpose, it comes true. This happened at the turn of the 80s and 90s, when we regained our independence. Last year showed this, when we were able to stand together again to support, build and protect. That is where the power and strength of our nation lies.

Let us celebrate!

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